The first step in any graph problem is understanding the types of graphs you are dealing with. This would help us to extract various specific properties to solve and model the graph problem efficiently. Let’s discuss some of the popular types of graph in data structures.
In an undirected graph, edges between vertices do not have a specific direction, and we can traverse from one vertex to another in both directions. For example, if there is an edge between vertex A and vertex B, it implies that we can travel from A to B as well as from B to A.
A good real-life example of an undirected graph is a social network. We can represent each user as a vertex and connections or friendships between users as edges. Since friendships are bidirectional (if user A is friends with user B, then user B is also friends with user A), an undirected graph is an appropriate representation.
In a directed graph, we can only traverse from one vertex to another in a specific direction determined by the edge. For example, if there is an edge between vertex A and vertex B, we can only travel from A to B.
A real-life example of a directed graph is a road network with one-way streets. In many cities, road systems are designed with streets that have specific directions of travel. Each intersection in the road network can be represented as a vertex, and the roads between intersections are represented as directed edges. The direction of the edge indicates the allowable movement of vehicles from one intersection to another.
Directed graphs are commonly used to model relationships or dependencies where the direction of interaction matters. For example, directed graphs can represent processes, flows, networks, or any scenario where there is a clear relationship or a specific order of events.
In an unweighted graph, edges between vertices do not have any associated numerical values or weights. Here, all edges are considered equal and have the same cost. In other words, the connections between vertices indicate only the presence or absence of a connection.
Unweighted graphs are used when the focus is on studying the structural properties of a graph or analyzing the connectivity between vertices, rather than considering varying costs or distances associated with edges.
A weighted graph is a type of graph in which each edge is assigned a numerical value or weight. These weights can represent various factors depending on the application. For example, in a road network graph, the weights of the edges could represent the length of the road, the travel time required to traverse the road, or the speed limit on that road. In other contexts, the weights could represent costs, capacities, probabilities, or any other relevant metric.
The weights in a weighted graph can be positive, zero, or even negative, depending on the specific problem and the semantics associated with the weights. So, the presence of weights in a graph affects various graph algorithms, particularly those focused on finding optimal paths or minimizing costs.
In an undirected graph with N vertices, the maximum possible number of edges that can exist is N * (N — 1) / 2, assuming there are no self-loops or parallel edges. Based on the number of edges in comparison to the number of vertices, we classify the graph as either dense or sparse.
In a sparse graph, the number of edges is significantly smaller compared to the maximum number of possible edges. In other words, there are relatively few edges in relation to the number of vertices. In a dense graph, the number of edges is close to the maximum possible number of edges. In other words, there is a significant number of edges in relation to the number of vertices.
We can observe the sparse nature of a graph in several applications where connections between vertices are limited. For example, in social networks, not everyone is connected to every other person, resulting in a sparse graph representation. Similarly, road networks must be sparse graphs because any intersection can be the endpoint of only a few roads.
The density of a graph affects the choice of graph representation. For example, we use an adjacency list to represent sparse graphs and adjacency matrices to represent dense graphs. On the other hand, graph density can have implications for various graph algorithms. For example, algorithms that rely on dense connectivity may be more suitable for dense graphs. However, algorithms designed to handle sparse graphs may not be as efficient in dense graphs due to the increased computational and memory requirements.
A cycle in a graph is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex, traversing one or more edges. So acyclic graph contains at least one cycle. In other words, a cyclic graph has a sequence of edges that can be followed to return to a vertex, forming a closed loop.
On the other hand, a graph that does not contain any cycles is called an acyclic graph or a forest (if it consists of multiple disconnected components). In an acyclic graph, it is not possible to traverse a path and return to the starting vertex without revisiting any other vertices.
Cycles in graphs can have implications for various graph algorithms. Here are some examples:
Note: We will write a separate blog on cyclic graphs, directed acyclic graphs, and topological sorting.
In a connected graph, there is a path between every pair of vertices. In other words, for any two vertices in a connected graph, there exists a sequence of edges to travel from one vertex to the other.
A graph that is not connected is called a disconnected graph. In other words, a graph is considered disconnected if there exist two vertices, u and v, in the graph such that there is no path from u to v. So such graph can be divided into two or more separate connected components, where all vertices within a component are connected to each other, but there are no edges that connect vertices across different components.
In the coming future, we will add more insights to this blog. We hope you enjoyed the blog. Enjoy learning, enjoy algorithms!
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